The last two years have been, to say the least challenging, for our businesses. A quick analysis of the environment in which they operate shows that work practices have been redefined. Following the Covid experience and the war in Ukraine, lack of employee availability has hit new levels, supply chain issues have directly and indirectly […]
The Smart and Sustainable Investment Grant Scheme by Malta Enterprise focuses on helping enterprises transition to more digital and environmentally sustainable busness practices in order to grow, enhance competitiveness and improve sustainability of their activities. Eligibility Criteria Self-employed, partnerships and limited liability companies; The economic actiity operates from a licenced commercial property; This scheme falls […]
The Change to Grow Scheme by Malta Enterprise “… supports businesses kick-start transformation processes that lead to growth, sustainability, and optimised performance. The scope of this incentive is to support SMEs realign their business activity, restructure their employees, product and/or service portfolio, optimise the use of technology and embrace green technology and practices.” The scheme works […]
Malta Enterprise has launched the Investment Aid 2021 Scheme that aims “…to sustain the regional industrial and economic development of Malta. This measure facilitates initial investments by encouraging the setting up of new establishments as well as the expansion and development of existing businesses.” Supported initiatives should lead to new opportunities, additional employment, increased […]
Many businesses and SMEs in Malta are family run. Along the years, several have grown from a simple one-person operation initially offering a trade or focused on selling products, to larger more complex group of company-style operation. For many years, these businesses survived applying business rules stemming from family tradition and loyalty. For the owners […]
History shows us that any crisis presents us with an opportunity to change and to grow. Whether we see the opportunity in the first place and whether we then take advantage of it, is purely up to us. Our businesses are currently living through a Covid-induced crisis. They have been in this situation for over […]
Businesses have faced and are still facing a lot of hardship due to the Covid 19 impacts. Malta Enterprise has launched the Business Re-engineering and Transformation Scheme to assist businesses to take a look at aspects of their structure and operation with a view to re-engineering or transforming aspects that will help them cope with […]
Malta Enterprise have launched the Business Re-Engineering and Transformation Scheme that allows businesses to use external approved advisors in order to help them get back on track while claiming back 50% of the advisory fees up to a maximum of €5,000. Read about the scheme rules in our other post. Businesses operate in trying […]
Malta Enterprise has launched the Business Re-Engineering and Transformation Scheme that is aimed at “…supporting Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to re-align their business activity, restructure their employees, product and/or service portfolio, optimise the use of technology and embrace green technology and practices. SME’s with a vision to develop can seek support from external advisors […]
This post is the first in a three-part series on remote work and telecommuting in Malta. In this post we look at the latest trends emerging amongst Maltese businesses. In our interactions with multiple Maltese businesses in different industries, the subject of remote work and telecommuting has become increasingly topical especially since Covid-19 has impacted […]