In working with many businesses common phrases heard are: “I can’t go on holiday“ “If I leave all the work will stop“ “I can never switch off my phone as the office needs me“ … … and the list goes on. In short we hear many staff, managers and even owners who feel that, without […]
In business you constantly take decisions on projects, developments, investments, hiring and timelines to name a few. In addition, your business does not operate on its own in a vacuum but in a market in which you have competition. So, in business you need to have a plan on how you are going to win […]
Coaching is a term that is very widely used, and misused. Experience shows that when many managers speak about coaching, what they are referring to is actually telling their people what to do. This is incorrect since, in the words of Sir John Whitmore, a pioneer in executive coaching and leadership development, “Coaching is unlocking […]
As human beings, we are all different and all unique. This uniqueness flavours our interactions and our organisations yet it creates its own challenges to organisational setups and structures. One specific challenge presented by this great variety is in actually defining a manager. Various dictionary definitions of Manager exist yet all focus on the fact […]
When we discuss business we find ourselves speaking about plans, objectives, goals, mission, vision and many other attributes that tend to define an end point. Lots of time and energy is spent on defining these, fine tuning them, disseminating them to members of our business and even painting pictures with them on the wall in […]
Knowledge employees are hired for some knowledge or skill that they have. Throughout their employment this skill grows through training and experience. In parallel with this growth there is a progression within the company where the employee gains status and respect among peers for this knowledge and skill. This respect sometimes leads to promotion and […]
Succession planning is simply put the planning of who is to replace a leader or key person once that person is gone. In many public and official roles, succession planning is written into the ‘law’ or into core procedure. Royalty have a defined process to appoint a replacement, politics has its own process … In […]
Succession Planning is critical for an organisation’s longevity and survival. Having said this there are still many organisations who don’t formally plan for succession. The reasons for this lack of planning could be various yet most involve not appreciating the pitfalls of just not doing it. Three main pitfalls are: 1. Profitability hits When […]