We help business owners and management create or diversify new businesses or ventures from scratch, explore new opportunities, look ahead into the future and plan their business’ path then cascade these visions into actionable, achievable and measurable plans.
Why "Create"?
Creation is a big word that is used and abused the world over. At CMG Consulta we take a very traditional and broad definition of this word “to make something happen or exist” or “to bring into existence“. Creation is therefore at the foundation of business and entrepreneurship as entrepreneurs and business owners need to constantly bring their ideas into existence and these can take the form of new companies, new business ventures, new business lines or models or even new structures.
CMG Consulta work very closely with entrepreneurs, business owners and management to enable, empower and support the creation process within businesses. Read more for some aspects of creation that we facilitate…
Creating Optimised Capacity
Businesses typically have many ideas of projects and initiatives that require stretching of time, money and employee resources. CMG Consulta work closely with business owners and entrepreneurs to help them plan ahead and create the optimal capacity required for the projects that the business will embark on. Creating optimal capacity is about understanding the capacity that will be required, understanding the current capacity and creating plans and activities to retain the current capacity, develop strong individuals, back-fill the positions of promoted employees and supplement the workforce with talent and training in order to ensure that the business already has the optimal capacity it requires exactly when it needs it based on the original plans.
Creating Efficiency and Balance
CMG Consulta works with business owners to help them understand what the external environments are demanding of the business and how the business should respond. The business structure, operations and model can then be tweaked or re-shaped to re-introduce a balance that enables the business to be more efficient in operation and proactive to the markets it intends to service. As businesses evolve and grow, their environment also evolves as do competition, employee preferences and customer requirements. Through dealing with the day-to-day of the business, many owners end up in a situation where the environment has evolved and the business has grown to catch up with the evolution yet the growth and structure of the business is not nevessarily optimal and efficient.
Creating Longevity Through Succession
CMG Consulta work with entrepreneurs of SMEs and Family Businesses to plan the future of the business ownership, governance and management by defining the succession required and helping the owners create plans and actions that will create longevity for the business through a solid succession plan. Many businesses were created by an entrepreneur, built into an operation and evolved into a larger setup. As the business evolves and the entrepreneur grows there is frequently the challenge of what will happen to the business if the entrepreneur moves on to another business or retires. This situation comes about due to a dependence on the entrepreneur and it could jeopardise the survival of the business in the long run.
Creating Businesses
CMG Consulta helps entrepreneurs, business owners and management to take an idea from concept, study its feasibility, plan the structure, resources and financials required and work with the entrepreneurs to create a solid action plan that takes the idea from concept to an operational and profitable business. Everything starts with an idea and these ideas can result in startup businesses, re-shaping a current business or creating a new business line or market for an existing business. In all instances, the creation process is key to the eventual success.
Creating an Exit (Selling a business)
CMG Consulta work closely with the owners to help the prepare the business for sale by ensuring that it is attractive to new owners. In addition we also analyse the business and market to ensure that the strongest buyer profiles are identified then we work to directly approach potential interested parties in order to gauge interest and eventually bring them around the table with the owners for a negotiation process. Business owners sometimes consider exiting the business for various reasons. Regardless of the reasons, the creation of a clear exit is crucial. Throughout this process, CMG Consulta support the owners at every step of the way.
Creating Funding (Through Schemes)
CMG Consulta selects a number of interesting funding sources and assists clients to tap these sources depending on the client and project eligibility. Business projects usually require investment and, while businesses should plan their investment and funding before embarkng on a project, there are many opportunities for grants and funding that businesses can tap in order to supplement their internal investment capabilities and possibly invest in a larger project or invest in a project earlier. Working so closely with the client enables CMG Consulta to select the most appropriate funding source in order to greatly increase the client’s chances of success.