Business Status Assessment
A quick ‘health-check’ of a business’ status at a point in time where CMG Consulta review the key aspects of the business structure, setup, operation, and business model. The Business Status Assessment delivers a short and focused report of actions that the business should take in the short and medium term to reduce some costs,…
Selling a Business
When business owners decide to exit the business and sell out, CMG Consulta help owners prepare the business for sale and even seek the purchasers. Selling a business is not as simple as placing a classified advert since there needs to be a process of defining what is for sale, what the required investor profile…
Start-ups and New Ventures
CMG Consulta supports entrepreneurs in the process of taking an idea or concept, shaping it into a business, investigating its feasibility and even guiding on funding options. Setting up a business can be a challenging and daunting prospect. There are many different aspects that need to be considered, many risks to watch out for and…
Business Optimisation
Businesses that are already in operation frequently require a bit of tuning or direction. They need to be optimised. Efficiency is the name of the game, and we help businesses streamline their workflows, review their business processes, and even digitise them. Many times, these exercises require business process re-engineering or business transformation projects, and they…
Strategic Growth Assistance
CMG Consulta assist businesses to define themselves, understand what sets them apart from others, define what they should aspire to achieve and how they can organise and grow to get there. Strategic Growth Assistance gives businesses the tools to monitor and update the strategy over time. It also includes looking into preparing the company for…
SMEs & Family Businesses
CMG Consulta help family business and SME owners to create a plan to structure the business in a shape that is not completely dependent on the owner. We help to create a clear space for owner’s children or other successors who want to work in the business as well as those who might simply inherit…
Building Capacity
Employees are a crucial element in running and growing many businesses. CMG Consulta work with the business owners and management to assess the current and future business needs and to develop a plan of action that the business can implement to achieve the required objectives. Owners and management face many challenges in this area particularly…
Selected Funding Schemes
CMG Consulta are familiar with a number of funding schemes that are available for Maltese businesses (self-employed, SMEs and larger businesses) to tap into in order to get assistance for specific investment or projects that they could be embarking on. The discussion on schemes sometimes sounds confusing and daunting and CMG Consulta firstly understand what…