Strategy is about finding your competitive advantage and using that competitive advantage to win. One way of developing an effective business strategy is made up of 3 key stages: Stage 1: Understanding your environment A business operates within an environment. It is crucial to understand how the environment is today and how it is affecting […]
There are several reasons why businesses fail. Some fail due to bad management and weak leadership, while some others have failed because of market changes and unfortunate circumstances. However, it is also true that some businesses have failed, simply because they lacked a strategy. In our experience we come across 3 common pitfalls for businesses […]
Owner-managed businesses have grown in popularity over the years since technology has facilitated the setup of a business and the delivery of services. Many of these businesses were set up by a person with a vision and possibly with a particular skillset. Throughout the growth of many of these businesses, one sees the organisation grow […]
Coaching is a term that is very widely used, and misused. Experience shows that when many managers speak about coaching, what they are referring to is actually telling their people what to do. This is incorrect since, in the words of Sir John Whitmore, a pioneer in executive coaching and leadership development, “Coaching is unlocking […]
Any business needs clients in order to exist and operate. Clients are the reason for existence. All products and services need to be designed with the client in mind since their whole reason for being is actually to serve the client or to satisfy a need. At the end of it all, clients are where […]
Knowledge employees are hired for some knowledge or skill that they have. Throughout their employment this skill grows through training and experience. In parallel with this growth there is a progression within the company where the employee gains status and respect among peers for this knowledge and skill. This respect sometimes leads to promotion and […]